Please note that the help section hasn't been updated to cover
all v2.0 changes of the web site, so it is currently a bit outdated. We will try and
update the help section as soon as we have the time.
We strongly recommend that you check out the FAQ which should answer most of your questions.
If you are a new member you definately want to check out this page. The quick menu
is crucial for navigating the site and you will find it very handy once you've
become accustomed to the site.
This page contains useful information about the top menu and different sections of
the site. If you need help with a specific section this is the place to learn more.
Help about the messenger.
Chat room help.
Help related to the communities / forums section.
Help about which html-tags you may use in descriptions on the site.
Here you can see which characters that will be replaced with which emoticon/smiley.
More smileys will be added in the future.
If you think you are having technical/web browser problems with our site,
the troubleshooting section is very useful.